Weekly weights of Liquidity Pools on #GovernanceMining updated. Top3 LPs in weights:. 2Pool LP (Flexible) 27.

21 Sep 2023, 06:34
Weekly weights of Liquidity Pools on #GovernanceMining updated Top3 LPs in weights: ▫️2Pool LP (Flexible) 27.91% ▫️#USDD Pool LP (Flexible) 15.99% ▫️#TRX-USDT LP V2 (Flexible) 12.20% Vote with #veSUN:

Same news in other sources

21 Sep 2023, 17:25
USDD (Twitter) RT @defi_sunio: Weekly weights of Liquidity Pools on SUN.io #GovernanceMining updated Top3 LPs in weights: ▫️2Pool LP (Flexible) 27.91% ▫️#USDD Pool LP (Flexible) 15.99% ▫️#TRX-USDT LP V2 (Flexible) 12.20% Vote with #veSUN: sun.io/?lang=en-US#/governan…
USDD (Twitter). RT @defi_sunio: Weekly weights of Liquidity Pools on SUN. io #GovernanceMining updated. Top3 LPs in weights:.
USDD (Twitter) RT @defi_sunio: Weekly weights of Liquidity Pools on SUN.io #GovernanceMining updated Top3 LPs in weights: ▫️2Pool LP (Flexible) 27.91% ▫️#USDD Pool LP (Flexible) 15.99% ▫️#TRX-USDT LP V2 (Flexible) 12.20% Vote with #veSUN: sun.io/?lang=en-US#/governan…